Make a lasting impact and Donate today!
Your donation will help us continue to feed the homeless, provide tutoring services, and continue to implement our scholarship and Christmas programs.
Make a Secure payment using one of the options below:

Other Ways you can give
Electronic Funds Transfer
Bank: Electronic Funds Transfer – Simply log onto your individual bank account and follow your bank’s instructions to set up the WOC Ministries as a new payee. If you have any questions regarding giving, please contact Dr. Gayle Daniels at 678.400.5171.
Kroger Community Rewards Program
Did you know you can support non-profit organizations in your community just by shopping at Kroger? it is easy when you enroll in Kroger Community Rewards! To get started, sign up with your Kroger Plus Card. Please visit the link https://www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards and enter Words of Comfort Ministries’ NPO number 66284. Select the radio button for Words of Comfort and click enroll. Once you’re enrolled you will earn rewards for Words of Comfort Ministries every time you shop and use your Plus Card!
Amazon Smile
Amazon Smile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com. The difference is that when you shop on Amazon Smile, the Amazon Foundation will donate .5% of the purchase price of eligible products to WOC.
Make a lasting impact and Donate today!
Your donation will help us continue to feed the homeless, provide tutoring services, and continue to implement our scholarship and Christmas programs.
Make a Secure payment using one of the options below:

Other Ways you can give
Electronic Funds Transfer
Bank: Electronic Funds Transfer – Simply log onto your individual bank account and follow your bank’s instructions to set up the WOC Ministries as a new payee. If you have any questions regarding giving, please contact Dr. Gayle Daniels at 678.400.5171.
Kroger Community Rewards Program
Did you know you can support non-profit organizations in your community just by shopping at Kroger? it is easy when you enroll in Kroger Community Rewards! To get started, sign up with your Kroger Plus Card. Please visit the link https://www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards and enter Words of Comfort Ministries’ NPO number 66284. Select the radio button for Words of Comfort and click enroll. Once you’re enrolled you will earn rewards for Words of Comfort Ministries every time you shop and use your Plus Card!
Amazon Smile
Amazon Smile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com. The difference is that when you shop on Amazon Smile, the Amazon Foundation will donate .5% of the purchase price of eligible products to WOC.